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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Drink Kopi-O KOSONG (Coffee)
This is DRINK for thought !

Coffee: Drink to Your Health

By Sylvia Booth Hubbard

For many years, coffee was considered a vice, linked with sleepless nights and cigarettes. But scientists have discovered that coffee contains potent antioxidants that can fight numerous ailments, including heart disease and diabetes. According to the American Coffee Association, 54 percent of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis, and they drink, on average, over three cups each.

Most studies examined the effects of caffeinated coffee. When decaffeinated coffee was included, the benefits were usually reduced.

The diseases coffee can benefit include:

• Dementia. Drinking moderate amounts of coffee during middle age — classified as three to five cups daily — can decrease the risk of dementia by 65 percent, according to a 2009 study by Swedish and Finnish researchers.

• Liver disease. In those who drink too much alcohol, those who drank the most coffee — more than four cups every day — reduced their risk of developing alcoholic cirrhosis by 80 percent.

• Heart disease. Research associated with The Nurses' Health Study found that women who drank two to three cups of coffee daily had a 25 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease. Along the same line, a Spanish study found that men who drank more than five cups of coffee each day lowered their risk of dying from heart disease by 44 percent, and that women who drank four to five cups each day reduced their risk by 34 percent.

• Prostate cancer. A recent study from Harvard Medical School found that men who drank the most coffee slashed their risk of developing the fastest growing and most difficult to treat prostate cancers by more than half when compared to men who drank no coffee.

• Gout. Drinking four or more cups of coffee each day dramatically reduces the incidence of gout, say U.S. and Canadian researchers. Men who drank four to five cups daily lowered their risk by 40 percent, and those who drank six or more cups daily reduced their risk of developing gout by 59 percent when compared to men who didn't drink coffee.

• Breast cancer. Coffee can either reduce the risk of developing breast cancer or delay its onset, according to Swedish studies. They found that coffee alters a woman's metabolism and produces a safer balance of estrogens. Women who drank two to three cups of coffee a day reduced their cancer risk by as much as two-thirds, depending on the specific type of breast cancer.

• Diabetes. Enjoying six or more cups of coffee daily can cut chances of Type 2 diabetes by 54 percent in men and 30 percent in women over those who don't drink coffee.

• Parkinson's disease. Several studies show that drinking coffee lowers a man's risk of developing Parkinson's up to 80 percent — and the more the better.

• Colon cancer. A Japanese report found that women who drank three or more cups of coffee every day slashed their risk of developing colon cancer in half.

What's responsible for coffee's healthy benefits? Most researchers believe it's the antioxidants (polyphenols or flavonoids) in coffee, but there are hundreds of compounds in coffee that may be partially responsible.

Read also THIS.

Friday, February 10, 2012

今天你笑了嗎? (最好別生氣身體會留下痕跡)‏


生氣的人很難健康,更難長壽。但在日常生活中,人們免不了要生五種氣:閒氣、怨氣、悶氣、賭氣和怒氣。我國首批國醫大師,中國中醫科學院、中國工程院院士 程莘農 教授告訴《生命時報》記者,要養生,關鍵就要會生氣,會散氣,如果氣散不掉,很多疾病都會由此而發。


退休後,為了排解寂寞,許多老人每天都樂意到小區花園找朋友扎堆打牌,雖說不輸房不輸地,但玩起來那爭強好勝的勁兒,常常因為出錯一張牌或多說一句話,就爭得面紅耳赤,甚至氣得血壓升高。這就是人們常說的生閒氣。商務版的《現代漢語詞典》中對閒氣的解釋是為無關緊要的事情生氣中國健康教育首席專家洪昭光 教授說,一個人健康與否,很大程度上跟心理狀態有關。心態不好,沒氣找氣的老人更愛生病。

怨氣來 源於一種怨恨的情緒。 20097月,媒體報道,家住甘肅蘭州市的七旬老人閻政平,在其居住小區附近的人行橫道上,對過往違章車輛投擲磚頭近30次, 砸中14輛。老人為什麼產生這種過激行為呢?中國人民公安大學法律系 余淩雲教授指出,這是一種情緒的發泄,來源於對違章駕駛危害生命的痛恨,也就是一股怨氣。

悶氣多發生在夫妻之間,兩人一生氣就沒完沒了,誰也不和對方說話,繃著臉,陰沉沉地總不見晴天。這種悶氣也是一種冷暴力 無形中會對人體進行傷害。衛生部生命倫理專家組專 家袁鐘 教授說,夫妻間生悶氣最傷害身體。

人們經常由於不滿意或受指責而賭氣。 每個人大概都會有賭氣的時候,只是程度不同而已。有新聞報道,某男子由於不滿銀行排隊時間過長,就分100次, 每次1元,取出100元錢。這種賭氣的結 果,往往最受傷的是自己。



人之所以會生病,最原始的一種根源就是生氣,這在《黃帝內經》中就有說明。中華醫學會老年醫學分會常務委員、中國中醫科學院西苑醫院老年醫學研究所張國璽 教授指出,生一次氣毀一次健康,生氣導致的疾病與由風寒暑濕等外因導致的疾病不同,會直接損傷五臟功能,發病更加嚴重。

期生氣的人,會在身體上留下不同的痕跡。從外表看,脾氣火暴,經常處於發怒狀態的人,多數會禿頂。 嚴重的還會使頭頂變尖;程度輕點的,則會在額頭兩側形成雙尖的M形微禿。美國《洛杉磯時報》也報 道,愛生氣的人容易長色斑, 而且腦細胞衰老明顯加快。從中醫角度分析,發脾氣時,氣會往上衝,造成頭頂發熱,導致脫髮。嚴重的暴怒,有時會造成肝內出血。如果血吐不出來,就會留在肝 內,一段時間內形成血瘤。

生氣導致的肝熱, 繼而會影響到肺,肺熱一 個嚴重的後果就是失眠。 張國璽說,他在臨床上曾遇到過一個五天五夜無法成眠的人,就是生氣造成的。血氣較差的人氣往下沉,形成腹部脹痛, 會讓人誤以為是腸胃問 題。

如果生了氣散不出來,比如悶氣, 往往會在胸腹形成中醫所謂橫逆 氣滯, 很可能導致婦女乳腺小葉增生和乳癌, 也可能造成十二指腸或胃潰瘍, 嚴重的會引發胃出血。



當人生氣時,氣流在體內處於一種紊亂狀態。袁鐘介紹,要想養生,必須讓氣流和諧順暢起來。中國中醫科學院養生學專 家羅衛芳 教授也告訴記者,調神順氣養生主要包括以下幾個方面:

一是難得糊塗。 還沒發生的事,別想太多;正在發生的事,別過於困擾;已經發生的事,就由它去吧。
二是順應季節。 春季活潑,夏令暢達,秋天恬靜,入冬則藏而不泄。讓精神隨外界環境而變化。

三是節制情感。 一時之氣,免百日之憂。
四是要有精神寄託。 可以欣賞音樂,也可以養花弄草。老人只要有了精神寄託,就會對生活充滿信心,減少不必要的生氣。

此外,過於愛生氣的老人,也有可能是患了老年抑鬱症 據世界衛生組織統計,60歲以上老人患老年抑鬱症的幾率為7%—10%,患有高血壓、冠心病、糖尿病的老人,發病率更高達50% 這樣的老人要想調整心態,每 天一定要做到“ 325”:大笑 3分鐘, 笑可以緩解疲勞、減少壓力,幫助肺臟擴張、促進消化,讓抑鬱慢慢減少;忘卻煩惱5分鐘, 告訴自己人間本無事,庸人自擾之,放下煩惱會感覺無比輕鬆。生氣不超過2分鐘, 要記住,惹你生氣的人,不要氣他,原諒別人也就是原諒自己。
