This blog was created and for use by the Kepong CSCQ Practitioners as a virtual community centre. Comments concerning the Kepong Station can be posted here. Notices of whatever nature concerning Kepong Station will also be posted here as well. Your participation and feedback are welcome. Let us together strive for improvements of health both physically and mentally.

Thursday, May 31, 2012




第一题:他很爱她。她细细的瓜子脸,弯弯的娥眉,面色白皙,美丽动人。可是有一天, 她不幸遇上了车祸,痊愈后,脸上留下几道大大的丑陋疤痕。你觉得,他会一如既往地爱 她吗? 

A、他一定会      B、他一定不会      C、他可能会 

第二题:她很爱他。他是商界的精英,儒雅沉稳,敢打敢拼。忽然有一天,他破产了。你 觉得,她还会像以前一样爱他吗? 
A、她一定会      B、她一定不会      C、她可能会 

一会儿,我们就做好了。问卷收上来,教授一统计,发现:第一题有10%的同学选A,10% 的同学选B,80%的同学选C。



“是啊。”答得很整齐。 “

可是,题目本身并没有说他和她是恋人关系啊?”教授似有深意地看着大家,“现在, 我们来假设一下,如果,第一题中的‘他’是‘她’的父亲,第二题中的‘她’是‘他’ 的母亲。让你把这两道题重新做一遍,你还会坚持原来的选择吗?

” 问卷再次发到手中,教室里忽然变得非常宁静,一张张年青的面庞变得凝重而深沉。几分 钟后,问卷收了上来,教授再一统计,两道题,都100%地选了A。 

教授的语调深沉而动情:“这个世界上,有一种爱,亘古绵长,无私无求;不因季节更替 。不因名利浮沉,这就是父母的爱啊

” 善待自己的父母,他们永远是最爱你们的。


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2 Photos of the One Day Tour uploaded by Caterine Wong to Facebook

Friday, May 25, 2012

Watercress: The Miracle Food (西洋菜 )

Watercress is called Sai Yeong Choy in Cantonese

UK Scientists say watercress is the new super food, able to prevent certain types of cancer. According to a study published this week in The British Journal of Nutrition, the consumption of a three ounce portion of watercress reduced the presence of a key tumor growth factor six and eight hours after eating the watercress in healthy patients who had previously been treated for breast cancer. The study was conducted by the Cancer Research Center at the School of Medicine, Southampton General Hospital in the United Kingdom. The study concluded watercress is as therapeutic as traditional drug treatments with tamoxifen and herceptin, commonly used chemotherapy drugs.

The study also said that through regular consumption, watercress "has the potential to confer valuable protection against cancer in general." "Watercress has the ability to turn off HIF1, a signal sent out by cells calling for blood supply," said noted aging scientist Dr. Nicholas Perricone. When HIF1 becomes incorrectly regulated, otherwise harmless precancerous clusters of cells have the opportunity to grow to form invasive tumors. "Scientists have been looking for anti-angiogenesis agents for years because if we can turn off the blood supply, we can kill the cancer," said Perricone. "And it looks like watercress can do that." Another study published in The! American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in February of 2007 showed that, in addition to reducing DNA damage, a daily dose of watercress increased the ability of cells to further resist DNA damage that may be caused by free radicals.

In the study, 60 men and women, half of whom were smokers, consumed their usual diet plus 85 grams of raw watercress daily for eight weeks. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma antioxidant status and DNA damage in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Watercress consumption significantly reduced lymphocyte DNA damage. In the time of the Romans, Greeks and Persians watercress was used as a natural medicine, prescribed for migraines, anemia, eczema, kidney and liver disorder and tuberculosis. 

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Proposed One Day Tour 一日游

日期 Date:  Sunday 27-05-2012 星期日
交通 Transport:  自个儿安排 own (arrange you own car pool with fellow practitioners)
主办者 Organiser:  CSCQ Kepong Station

旅程 Itinerary:

1.  集合在所指定的集合点,然后前往巴生品尝闻名的巴生肉骨茶。Assemble at prefixed assembly point and proceed to Klang for "Bat Kut Teh" breakfast.

2. 前往仁嘉隆佛光山东弹寺。Visit temple at Jenjarom - FGS Dong Zen Temple.

3.  摩力小镇。Morib.

4.  午餐在摩力附近(渔村),在那里你还可以买到新鲜鱼类。Lunch near Morib (Fishing Village) where you can also buy fresh fishes.

5.  沿途参观果园。Visit Fruit Farm along the way.

6.  Tanjong Sepat - 磨菇场 Mushroom Farm。

7.  Bagan Lalang -金棕树标志性的胜地。Golden Palm Tree Iconic Resort.

8.  晚餐在汝来之龙城餐馆。Dinner at Long Sing Restaurant in Nilai.

9.  驱车返回。 Drive Back.