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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Effective Sweet Treat that Relieves Arthritis Pain
by Jim Healthy

Did you know that there are certain kinds of foods that actually help reduce or even stop arthritis pain?

These “superfoods” are usually easy to find and inexpensive.

Of all the foods that help fight against arthritis — delicious, sweet pineapple comes up close to the top of the list.

The Sweet Pain Reliever

For generations, people around the world have used fresh pineapple to ease their arthritis inflammation.
Loaded with joint-protecting vitamin C, pineapple is undoubtedly a superior arthritis-healing food.
Its anti-inflammatory ingredient — bromelain — is so potent that many boxers drink the juice after fights to heal their bruises.

A 1960 study compared boxers who took bromelain with those receiving a placebo.

In just four days, an amazing 78% of those taking bromelain were inflammation-free, while only 14% of the control group had recovered.

Other than bromelain, pineapple also contains manganese, which strengthens bones and protects joints.
Here are 5 reasons you should be indulging in this delicious fruit if you struggle with joint pain and arthritis:

  Reason #1: Joint Protection

Higher intake levels of the antioxidant vitamin C is essential for people with arthritis…

And just one cup of pineapple has a whopping 94% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA)!
Research published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases showed that vitamin C-rich foods protect against inflammatory polyarthritis, a type of rheumatoid arthritis in which two or more joints are affected.
If you have osteoarthritis, you may be concerned by warnings that you should not increase your vitamin C intake. But know that those warnings are based on a 2004 study on guinea pigs!

Studies on humans show vitamin C actually reduces pain, cartilage loss and disease progression.

  Reason #2: Healthier Joint Tissue

Pineapple is a great source of the trace mineral manganese.

Manganese is absolutely essential for building healthy joint tissue and dense bones. One cup of pineapple provides 128% of the RDA for manganese.

Research shows that manganese tackles free radicals that can damage joint cartilage.

Tip: It’s best to eat your pineapple raw. Fruit skewers alternating fresh pineapple chunks with strawberries is a great way to do that. Grilled and cooked pineapple is extraordinarily tasty too.

Reason #3: Smoother Joint Movement

Pineapple’s enzymes literally clean up “rusty” joints. When you eat pineapple on an empty stomach, the enzymes go right to work on your joints.
Tip: If you eat pineapple with other foods, the enzymes divert their activity to digesting the rest of your meal instead of the gunk in your joints.
So keep pineapple around for between-meal snacks. Juice the hard inner core as well to take advantage of the concentrated bromelain located there.

Reason #4: Pain Relief

For optimal arthritis pain-relief, eat fresh pineapple.

The bromelain in pineapple is destroyed by heat, so fresh pineapple will give you the most benefit.
Frozen pineapple retains active enzymes, but canned fruit and commercially processed juice don’t provide the anti-inflammatory benefit of fresh fruit.

It’s important to note bromelain causes anti-clotting activity…

So you should consult with your physician before combining pineapple with blood-thinning medications such as warfarin (Coumadin), heparin, or aspirin.

Tip: If the fruit needs to ripen, keep it on your kitchen counter for a couple days. You’ll know it’s sweet and ready to eat when the bottom softens a bit.

Reason #5: Protection from Inflammation

Pineapple’s bromelain halts inflammation.

The sulfur-based enzyme bromelain in fresh pineapple is one of the best-researched natural anti-inflammatory agents around.

Bromelain clobbers inflammatory agents that trigger joint pain and cartilage degeneration.
A 2006 study cited in Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology found that supplemental bromelain is effective in easing discomfort from hip arthritis.

The Arthritis Foundation stated that pineapple’s bromelain produces effects comparable to NSAIDs for relieving pain and inflammation.

UK researchers reviewed ten studies on osteoarthritis and bromelain. They found that every single one confirmed bromelain’s benefits.

Tip: Most of the bromelain in pineapples is found in the core and the stem. So don’t throw away that tough, fibrous core!

Just chop it up, throw it in a blender with some water and pulse to convert it to juice.
If you’d like to discover more “superfoods” that can halt your arthritis

And also drastically reduce your chances of being afflicted by cancer, heart disease, diabetes…

Check out my Arthritis Interrupted e-book. It provides you with real and immediate ways to start improving your health and healing your arthritis…

For a pain-free life!

About the Author:
Jim Healthy is a noted health reporter, author and the co-author of The Healthy Body Book and Arthritis Interrupted, with Stephen Sinatra, MD.

During his 35-year writing career, Jim has helped break the news about the biggest healing discoveries of the past 30 years, including glucosamine-chondroitin, fish oil, omega-3 foods, and olive oil, as well as the inflammatory effects of eating refined carbs and processed food products.

Which of your loved ones deserve to live without debilitating joint pain from arthritis?

Saturday, January 12, 2013


心理引言:给的愈少,孩子愈贤;给的太多,就不贤;什么都给的家庭,孩子铁定什么都不会,只会茶来张口,钱来伸手,徒增其苦   ——心灵咖啡网




一 . 我不等

二 . 我不管

三 . 我不看


四 . 我不做


五 . 我不给

柴米油盐,给;房子、 车 子、名牌、好的手机……,不给。


Thursday, January 03, 2013

The Easiest Way To Live Longer
By Lisa Collier Cool

Did you know that every minute you walk can extend your life by 1.5 to 2 minutes? In addition, many studies show that people who walk regularly live longer, weigh less, have lower blood pressure, and enjoy better overall health than non-walkers.

Ready to lace on your shoes? If you want to add to the amount of walking you do, just clip on a pedometer. That simple action actually increases your physical activity by over 2100 steps per day, a review that pooled data from 26 studies found.

Here’s a look at ten benefits of walking.

1. Walking Increases Your Lifespan.

Walking more than an hour a day improves life expectancy significantly, a 2011 study showed. The researchers looked at 27,738 participants between the ages of 40 and 79 over a 13-year period. Surprisingly, their lifetime medical costs did not increase—even though they lived longer.

“An increase in walking time at the population level would bring about a tremendous change in people’s health and medical cost,” the study authors wrote.

2. Walking Wards Off Diabetes.

Just thirty minutes of walking a day can prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes, a 2002 study looking at both overweight and average weight men and women in a population at high risk for the disease showed.

If you already have diabetes, walking is helpful for you, too. A mile or more daily cuts your risk of death from all causes in half, according to a 2007 study.

3. Walking Keeps Your Mind Sharp.

Walking 72 blocks a week (around six to nine miles) helps increase grey matter, which in turn lowers the risk of suffering from cognitive impairment—or trouble with concentration, memory and thought, according to a study which looked at 299 seniors over a nine-year period.

Furthermore, walking five miles per week can provide some protection to the memory and learning areas of the brains of those already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment, and lead to a slower decline in memory loss.

4. Walking Helps Lower Blood Pressure.

Walking just 30 minutes a day, three to five days a week—even when the 30 minutes are broken into three ten-minute increments—has been found to significantly lower blood pressure.

5. Walking is Great for Bone Health.

Putting one foot in front of the other for about a mile a day led to improved bone density in post-menopausal women, and slowed the rate of bone loss from the legs, according to a 1994 study. “It takes walkers four to seven years longer to reach the point of very low bone density, study leader Dr. Krall told the New York Times.

6. Walking Cuts the Risk of Stroke.

Walking about 12.5 miles a week or more cut the risk of stroke in half, according to a study looking at over 11,000 Harvard University alumni with an average age of 58.

7. Walking Improves Your Mood.

If you’re feeling down in the dumps, walking is a quick and easy solution. Just thirty minutes on a treadmill reduces feelings of tension and depression, according to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. In fact, the study found that walking lifted moods more quickly than anti-depressants did (and with fewer side effects).

And the more people walk, the better their mood and energy, says California State University Long Beach professor Robert Thayer, based on a study looking at 37 study participants over a 20-day period.

8. Walking Torches Calories.

Just 20 minutes of walking a day will burn 7 pounds a year. The effects are even more dramatic when you add in some dietary changes as well.

9. Walking Improves Insomnia.

Having trouble sleeping at night? Try taking a brisk 45-minute walk in the morning five days a week, and your sleep may improve significantly, according to research from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, which looked at women from the age of 50-74. (Walking in the evening, however, sometimes has the opposite effect—so keep an eye on when you’re exercising and what your sleep patterns are.)

10. Walking is Good for the Heart.

Women who took brisk walks for three or more hours per week reduced their risk of heart disease by 30-40 percent, according to an analysis of over 72,000 women aged 40-65, who were enrolled in the prospective Nurses’ Health Study. As I reported recently, heart attacks kill more US women than men annually. However, the benefits of walking aren’t limited to one gender. A different study showed that walking can cut the risk of coronary heart disease in half for men between the ages of 71 and 93.
